Activetcl ubuntu
Activetcl ubuntu

  1. #Activetcl ubuntu install
  2. #Activetcl ubuntu code

It determines priority above other choices. Update-alternatives -install tclsh wish /opt/path/to/Tcl/bin/wish8.5 5 Update-alternatives -install tclsh tclsh /opt/path/to/Tcl/bin/tclsh8.5 5 Run these command lines as root or with sudo:.

#Activetcl ubuntu install

  • Install ActiveTcl or your favorite distribution or compile source and 'make install'.
  • You may want to select and install all Tcl-related packages just in case.
  • Install both Tcl/Tk 8.4 and 8.5 from the official Ubuntu repositories, so you have those dependencies fulfilled in case some application requires them in the future, so Ubuntu won't "overwrite" your installation.
  • For that reason, I recommend the following procedure: Conversely, if you fulfill the dependencies first and install your favorite flavor of Tcl/Tk later, Ubuntu will not acknowledge your choice automatically. You may end up running an older version of Tcl/Tk all the time if you don't pay attention. other binaries will be installed (probably not where you chose to install your choice of Tcl distribution) and the system will be updated to refer to those binaries instead of the ones you prefer. If you install ActiveTcl or compile from source, note that Ubuntu may "overwrite" your installation, i.e.

    activetcl ubuntu

    You may prefer to install ActiveTcl, for example, for its thourough and up-to-date collection of packages if nothing else. one of my Tk applications plays sounds, but sound stops working after some time and I have to restart the app). That is not only messy, there are not many Tcl/Tk packages available in the official repositories, some of them may be outdated or even buggy (e.g. If you decide to install 8.6, you may end up having three versions of Tcl on Ubuntu: 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6. I still haven't run across any application that requires 8.3, but 8.6 is publicly available already. Therefore, you may end up with two versions of Tcl installed. Tcl 8.4 will be installed if the application requires it even if 8.5 would work just the same. Ubuntu will fulfill the requirement exactly, i.e. What annoys me is that some of the applications available in the official repositories require Tcl and/or Tk as a dependency, and each application requires a certain version of Tcl. LES in September, 2009: I have been running Ubuntu for some time and, although it has many notable qualities, I don't consider it a very Tcl-friendly distro. Pup.This information may also apply to other Debian-based Linux distributions. _command(label="Show 'Modal' Window",Ĭommand=lambda selection=(): self.showIsModal(selection)) Self.aMenu = tk.Menu(self.root, tearoff=0)

    activetcl ubuntu

    Self.tLabel2=tk.Label(tFrame,text=' ',height=3,bd=10)īOK=tk.Button(bFrame,bd=1,text='Ok',command=stroy) Self.tLabel=tk.Label(tFrame,text='Is this modal?',height=3,bd=10) Is that expected behavior? import tkinter as tk

    activetcl ubuntu

    When called from the popup menu it gives a modal window, when called directly from the treeview, it fails miserably.

    #Activetcl ubuntu code

    Please note that though I call two different functions, the code in each is essentially the same. Linux Mint 17/Ubuntu 14.04, 64bit, Python 3 Is it not possible to open a modal window directly from a mouseclick (preferably doubleclick)? The same works perfectly well if the mouseclick first opens a popup menu that calls the modal window function. Treeview with mouseclick binding that directly calls a function to open a modal window fails on grab_set() tkinter.TclError: grab failed: window not viewable

    Activetcl ubuntu